Estimating Software Development
I'm an excellent software architect, developer, project manager, and even (as needed) sales person. But I can't estimate a project development effort to save my life. I waaay underestimate. Every time. I can lose money faster than a gambler in Las Vegas! So I figure I need to study the science (if such there is!) of estimating. In the past I've just thrown numbers into MS project and hoped for the best.
I was initially turned on to this idea of a systematic approach to estimating by one of the smarter folks I know, Norbert Winklereth, formerly of Omnimark and Stilo. He espouses an approach I had never heard of -- Wide Band Delphi Blind (WBDB). Being a believer in Agile methods, this appeals to me. I started reading up on it and I like what I see. It depends on several people looking at the whole problem (Wide Band), to develop a list of tasks and an estimate for each (The Oracle of Delphi) operating anonymously to reduce or eliminate political influence or pressure, (Blind). There's a fair writeup of it HERE.
There are a lot of parts to this, but the essence of it is to get several people working together to bring their collective expertise and experience to the issue of estimating an effort. And, it can be used to estimate a number of things, not just cost, but anything to which we can apply a unit of measure. One thing I began to see early on is that estimating the effort of a project and estimating the schedule are two completely different, though related things.
Then I read an article by Joel Spolsky (Joel on Software) on something he calls "Evidence Based Scheduling." Joel argues for (and, indeed, has a software product based on) creating schedules based on historical performance data (from time sheets or other records) combined with Monte-Carlo simultations. Again, recognizing the difference between effort and schedule, Joel makes a point that any task planned for more than 16 hours is not going to work and needs to be further factored. I think the same thing applies to estimating effort -- break it down into units of not more than 16 hours.
Another factor that Joel recognizes is the relative historical accuracy of an individual as an estimator - what he calls velocity, the ratio of an individual's estimate to the actual. A perfect estimator would always have a velocity of 1. A person's history of these ratios is his velocity history and is a factor in the Monte-Carlo simulation.
So, I'm thinking that a blend of these techniques may represent a reasonable estimating approach. We need to assemble a blind group, and a project leader who has and continues to build a velocity history for each blind participant. We need some Monte-Carlo simulation software, and maybe a tool to organize all this.
More to come
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